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Vertical Markets

Some markets have special needs. We embrace the fact that our customers have special needs and we have built a business around serving the those needs. 


Anvil Works excels in many core competencies to help our Federal customers acquire hardware, software, and other IT  products effectively and efficiently. Anvil Works is a reliable and valuable partner to government agencies, helping them meet their IT needs, 

  • Product Knowledge: Anvil Works has comprehensive knowledge of hardware IT Hardware, Software and Services necessary for successful projects or business outcomes.

  • Vendor Partnerships: We have strong relationships and partnerships with leading IT hardware and Software OEMs and vendors.

  • Solution Integration: We can integrate hardware IT solutions seamlessly into the existing legacy IT infrastructures.

  • Technical Expertise: Anvil will make sure you have a team of skilled and certified technical professionals who can provide installation, configuration, maintenance, and support services for the hardware IT products we sell.

  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Anvil has efficient logistics and supply chain management processes to ensure timely delivery of hardware and software products.

  • Customer Service and Support: Anvil Works offers excellent customer service, and we provide readily available to address any issues or concerns that arise during and after the implementation of IT solutions.

  • Sustainability and Green IT: We help our federal customers achieve their sustainable and environmentally friendly IT practices.


Healthcare IT refers to the use of technology to improve the delivery, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare services. It encompasses a broad range of technologies and applications, including:


  • Electronic health records (EHRs): The use of digital systems to store and manage patient medical records, including medical histories, lab results, and medications.

  • Telehealth: The use of digital platforms and tools, such as video conferencing, to deliver remote healthcare services, including consultations, diagnoses, and treatments.

  • Patient portals: Web-based platforms that allow patients to access and manage their medical records, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers.

  • Clinical decision support: The use of technology to provide healthcare providers with data-driven insights and recommendations to improve patient care.

  • Medical imaging: The use of digital tools, such as X-ray and MRI machines, to generate images of internal body structures to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.

  • Health information exchange (HIE): The sharing of patient medical information between healthcare providers, allowing for more coordinated care.

  • Health monitoring devices: Wearable and IoT devices that track patient health data, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels, to provide real-time health insights.

  • Healthcare IT is critical for improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency in healthcare delivery. By leveraging Anvil team of healthcare technology experts, healthcare providers can improve uptime SLAs, reduce infrastructure cost, secure their data and their IT environment. 

State and Local 

IT for state and local government refers to the use of technology to support the delivery of government services at the state and local levels. This includes a wide range of technologies and applications, including:

  • E-government services: The use of digital platforms and tools to provide citizens with access to government services, such as renewing licenses, paying taxes, and accessing public records.

  • Geographic information systems (GIS): The use of technology to create and manage geographic data, which can be used to support a range of government functions, including emergency management, land use planning, and transportation planning.

  • Public safety and emergency management: The use of technology to support public safety and emergency management functions, including 911 systems, emergency alerts, and incident management systems.

  • Electronic voting: The use of digital voting systems to support the democratic process and improve the accuracy and efficiency of elections.

  • Records management: The use of digital systems to manage government records and improve transparency and accountability.

  • Data analytics: The use of data analytics tools to analyze government data and improve decision-making in areas such as healthcare, education, and transportation.

  • Cybersecurity: The use of technology to protect government systems and data from cyber threats and attacks.

  • IT for state and local government is critical for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government services, improving transparency and accountability, and enhancing citizen engagement. By leveraging Anvil and the technical team of experts, technology decision makers in  state and local governments can provide citizens with better access to services, improve decision-making, and promote innovation and economic growth.

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